Thursday, May 25, 2006

Gone for 7 or 8 day!!!!!!!! :'(

Im gonna be gone for a week or so. First Im gonna go to a friends house today until monday then tuesday Im gonna be on my was to P.A. then on Wed. Ill be able to get on maybe.Well while Im gone you'll need entertainment cuz i wont be here to do that for you. So you can play some games here or check out Erins Blog here. OK Ill catch you guys (and girls of course) later.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hey Im really sad

No one has been on AIM or gmail all day and Im so bored hey do u want to see my firends Steph. ok here

That her she really funny

(Sorry about the randomness)

Hey guys sorry I havent posted

Sorry i was just alittle busy studing for the Exams I only hav one more left 2marrow and this is Erins Blog she posted alittle about her self go check it out. :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hey guys I'm at school still and its lunch time now and I'm bored so I thought to my self "I should post" Ohh Hey guys I need prayed cause I have to go to my parents house in Penn. and I really don't want to cause its the same time as ECHO. So just pray for me in this situation.Thanks. Well lunch is over I'll post when i get home. Later:)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ok I want Every one to meet my Friend Erin

Hey Guys everyone has to go to my friends Erins new blog she'll be going to COVI this summer. So you can get to know her now its: Jesus Freaks


This Post isnt gonna be long cuz i have so mush review for EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!! They are next week and I need as much as I can get so I had better go study so ill talk to you guys later. Cant wait for COVI. miss you all. later

Monday, May 15, 2006

I did it I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!

I figured it out I got the song at the bottom. Yeah

Gonna Post everyday this week

Hey I'm gonna post every day this week cause.............................. I need to start keeping up with my blog so im gonna post everyday this week and from now on I'm gonna post reagularly. so what up guys I haven't talk to alot of you guys in forever. When I get to COVI I wont have any friends so I have to call, email, IM, or something you guys so today or 2marrow you'll get an email and it's gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong one. So I'll talk to you guys later.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Exciting News

Ok I'm finally done I've been working on it all day no seriously all day. I am so happy I'm so happy that I'm finally finshed with it. Ok guy!!!! YEAH!!!! It's really cool check it out here


Hey i cant seem to get this on my blog so just copy and paste on you address bar and you'll hear my song please and thank you't_Wait_to_Be_King.mp3

Hey Guys I really like The Lion King

Random Lion King

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Hey MOM this is just for you i still gotta teach how to put song on your blog and right now im sooooooooooooo bored and i have nothing to do tis whole week end and its gonna be sooooooooooooooo boring I was gonna go to the movies but it got canceled so i was kinda sad but thats ok cause...........................................theres alwasys 2marrow?? well any ways i think this is my longest post yet so see ya later. Ta Ta For Now by the famous tigger

Music Codes - MySpace Layouts